Mount Fuji isn't just about getting to the top!
Recommendations for Touring Gogome (the Fifth Station)

Do you feel that you can't experience the charm of Mount Fuji unless you climb to the top?

That's not the case!

Here, we will recommend "Fuji Subaru Line Gogome," our recommended tourist spot.

"Fuji Subaru Line Gogome" is "The Border between Heaven and Earth."

There are four mountain paths. Of those paths, the one most suited for beginners, as well as the most popular, is the Yoshida Route, which is easy to access from the Tokyo Metropolitan area. "Fuji Subaru Line Gogome" is at the point at the start of this mountain path. As it is located at the border of where the forest ends, it is referred to as "The Border between Heaven and Earth," and has lots of great places to see! Another valuable point about this area is that there are direct buses that come here from the heart of Tokyo, making it convenient to access.

01A View You Can Only Get from a Hillside

A Look up at the Mountain Peak

This is an area that you can only enjoy in Gogome! The power of feeling Mount Fuji under your feet while gazing at the peak from close up is incredible! If you are blessed with good weather, you can view the peak from a variety of areas.

The Nature of Japan

While this is Gogome (the Fifth Station—a good distance from the top), it is 2,305m above sea level. On days with clear visibility, in addition to Lake Kawaguchiko around the perimeter, even the Southern Alps and the Northern Alps, prominent Japanese mountain ranges, are visible. Try taking a look with your own eyes at Japan's rich, sloping geography. On cloudy days, it's also possible to gaze down at a sea of clouds.

Sunset and Night Sky

"Fuji Subaru Line," the road toward "Fuji Subaru Line Gogome," operates 24 hours a day during the summer (there are some regulations for private vehicles). As there are accommodations, it's easy to stay the night, even for beginning climbers. On days with clear skies, you can gaze down at the dramatic sunset and night sky that spread out before you.


Even if you don't climb all the way to the peak, you can fully take in goraiko (the sunrise viewed from the mountains)! During summer, the sunrise at Gogome is from about 4:30 to 5:30. During this time, some shops are open from around 6:00, so there are many ways to spend time after you have finished your viewing.

01Many Ways to Enjoy Yourself

”Ochudo,” the Trail in the Sky

"Ochudo" is a trekking course that passes through "Fuji Subaru Line Gogome" and winds around the hillside of Mount Fuji. It's said that in the past, this course was referred to as "the highest level of shugendo (Japanese mountain asceticism)," and only those who have climbed to the top of Mount Fuji three or more times were permitted to take it. Sites to see in this area include the "Oniwa" and "Okuniwa Natural Park" areas. At "Oniwa," you can take in naturally occurring views that are as beautiful as a garden. "Okuniwa Natural Park" is also known as "Tengu (goblin) Garden." The area has a tenguiwa (goblin-shaped rock) and torii gate, and it is rumored that goblins swoop down into this area. Here you can experience the mysteriousness of Mount Fuji.

”Komitake Shrine,” a Power Spot

Lined up along with gift and treat shops is the entrance to "Komitake Shrine," whose main enshrined deity is the older sister of "Konohanasakuyahime," the goddess worshiped at Fujisan Hongu Sengentaisha Okumiya at the summit of Mount Fuji. There are also shrines that worship the goblins "Daitengu" and "Kotengu." At this location, it's possible to get a glimpse of how Mount Fuji has flourished as a place of worship. You can also buy omamori charms, which are perfect as gifts. In addition, the viewing platform attached to the side of the shrine is a spot with a superb view—you can gaze out at Lake Yamanakako at the base, the peak of Mount Fuji, and the sunrise!

Gogome Treats and Gourmet

"Fuji Subaru Line Gogome" is the area of the mountain path with the densest concentration of facilities. In addition to gourmet eateries, there is also a selection of unique treats.

These Mount Fuji-shaped melon buns are so popular that people line up to buy them. The lava portion is made of cocoa powder, and the snow portion is made of powdered sugar. These are also sold in boxes so you can give them as gifts. Mount Fuji Melon Buns 250 yen (A)

Hoto, a famous dish from Yamanashi, one of the prefectures with Mount Fuji. It is made from wheat that has been stretched thinly. Take your time to savor the warm, hometown flavor. Mushroom Hoto 850 yen (B)

Even the bento lunchboxes are in the shape of Mount Fuji! Featuring a goraiko (sunrise viewed from a mountain) design, representing something all climbers want to see at least once, this lunch box contains seasoned rice, a fried item, a stewed item, Japanese pickles, and more. Mountain Lunchbox (Goraiko) 1,575 yen (A)

Fujiyoshida City, which is famous for Mount Fuji, is also famous for udon noodles. "Yoshida udon" is special for its firm, full-bodied noodles. Satisfy your taste buds with the delicious water and traditional flavor. Yoshida Udon 750 yen (B)

How about bringing home some pure mountain air? This is a unique canned item, filled with air that has been taken from the summit of Mount Fuji and stored. Mount Fuji Summit Air 1,000 yen (A)

These cute, Mount Fuji-shaped cookies are a sure choice for a treat to give family, friends, or coworkers! They come in five flavors: vanilla, green tea, chocolate, strawberry, and black tea. Mount Fuji Cookies - Pack of 3 from 420 yen (B)

The package is in the theme of an old-fashioned pilgrim's staff used to support one's feet while mountain climbing. Inside is a long, thin yokan (bar of sweet bean paste). Yokan Staff 750 yen (A)

This is organic beer that uses natural water from the Fuji-Hakone mountain range. We recommend this full-bodied weizen to beer enthusiasts. Fujisan Mura Local Beer 650 yen (A)

Shop Information

(A) Gogoen Rest House
Phone: 0555-72-1251 Hours of Operation: End of March to Beginning of December 9 AM - 5 PM (6 AM - 6 PM in April; 3 PM - 6 PM from May to mid-November; 3 PM - 9 PM in July and August)
Information boards and pamphlets available in English, Chinese, and Korean.
(B) Fujikyu Unjyokaku
Phone: 0555-72-1355 Hours of Operation: Open from April 1 to November 30; 9 AM - 5 PM in Spring and Fall; 6 AM - 11 PM in Summer

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