Mountain Fuji has long been loved by many Japanese from the past. It has been recorded as the world heritage. Now, it became The World Star, but for Japanese people, the closeness has not been changed. In this chapter, we want to introduce you about the relationship between Mountain Fuji and the daily life of Japanese people.
【Public Bath and Mt. Fuji】 On the wall of Japanese public bath,which is called Sento, the picture of Mt. Fuji are often decorated. This first started in the 18th Century when Sento`s owner wanted to apreciate children to enjoy Sento. The reason that Mt. Fuji was chosen is because the painter loved Mt. Fuji. It was later famous and spread to other public bath conducting same thing. Later there are many well known tourist places and shops.
【Bill and Mt. Fuji】 On the back side of 1000 Yen bill, there is a picture of Mt. Fuji and its lake printed on. Being well known as Japanese`s acquaintance, Mt Fuji and Sakura were chosen. This picture illustrates the scenery of Motosuko Lake, one of lake locating near Mat. Fuji in Yamanahi Prefecture.
【One Mt. Fuji, Two eagles, Three Eggplant】There is a phrase saying about one Mt.Fuji two eagles three eggplant. According to Japanese people, on the first dream of the New Year`s Day can prophesy your luck on that year. If one of these 3 things has came out in your dream, it is believed that this year will be your great year. Similar pronouciation of Fuji is bushi in Japanese, which means safe and healthy. While, eagle implies the concept of height, which means that you will advance in your career or study path. The last, eggplant comes from the word of accomplish, which gives you the meaning of success.
Mt. Fuji
Traditional culture